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Class 9 - Social science I & II - First Term Exam Study Materials


ഒന്‍പതാം ക്ലാസ് സാമൂഹ്യശാസ്ത്രം I & II - First Term  പാഠങ്ങളുടെ പഠന വിഭവങ്ങൾ 

Social science I

Chapter 1

 Class 9 Social science I & II - Chapter 1 - Notes EM 

Class 9 Social science I - Chapter 1, 2 Notes EM  

Class 9 - Social science I - Chapter 1 - Unit Test with Answers  

Class 9 - Social science I & II - Chapter 1 Notes EM  

Class 9 - Social Science I - Chapter 1 - Medieval World Centres of Power - Notes and Presentation  

Class 9 - Social science I - Chapter 1 Medieval World - Notes EM 

Chapter 2

Class 9 - Social Science I - Chapter 2 - Notes and Presentation  

Class 9 Social science I - Chapter 2 The Signature of Time - Notes EM  

Chapter 3

Class 9 Social science I - Chapter 3 Indian Constitution Notes EM 


Social science II

Chapter 1

Class 9 Social science I & II - Chapter 1 - Notes EM  

Class 9 - Social science I & II - Chapter 1 Notes EM  

Class 9 - Social Science II - Chapter 1 - Sun The Ultimate Source - Notes and Presentation 

Class 9 Social science II - Chapter 1 - Sun the ultimate Source - Notes MM & EM 

Class 9 Social science II - Chapter 1 - Sun the Ultimate Source - Notes MM & EM 

Class 9 Social science II - Chapter 1 - Online Test MM & EM 

Chapter 2

Class 9 Social science II - Chapter 2 The Signature of Time - Notes MM & EM  

Class 9 Social science II - Chapter 2 The Signature of Time - Notes MM & EM  

Chapter 3

Class 9 - Social science II - Chapter 3 Online Test MM & EM  

Class 9 Social science II - Chapter 3 National Income - Notes MM & EM  

Class 9 Social science II - Chapter 3 National Income - Notes EM 

Class 9 - Social science II - Chapter 3 Notes EM 


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